95008_1.txt 2/23/02 2/23/02: Jerry Pohorsky: This large paddle charger has been repaired. I used it for a few minutes last night to bring my range up from 24 to 27 miles just to make sure it was working. (One small very minor discrepency - my car reported 2.5 hours to charge, while the charger reported 2.8. Other chargers I have used seemed to give the exact same number as the car. Compared to being broken, or the complete lack of information on the new chargers, this is negligible.) 1/30/02: Alec Proudfoot: still down. 1/25/02: Jerry Pohorsky: still down. 1/13/02: Jerry Pohorsky: The paddle is completely smashed to smithereens. It has been reported to 888-890-GOEV.