EV Charger News

Small-Paddle Inductive Charging Locations

in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties, California

This listing is in order by City, then by Location Name within City.

Cities in the list below:
Goleta, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara

Total number of charging sites shown on this listing is 4.

Total number of small-paddle inductive chargers shown is 5.
Total number of large-paddle inductive chargers shown is 0.
Total number of Avcon-type charging stations shown is 2.
Total number of Tesla Connector charging stations shown is 0.

Location Name Types Address ZIP_ID TB Map Loc EVCM MAP/IWT/COMMENTS

Goleta (Santa Barbara County)      
• Costco Goleta DOWN
7095 Marketplace Drive 93117_1 993-J3 EVCM Map
San Luis Obispo (San Luis Obispo County)      
• Home Depot PROBLEM
1551 Froom Ranch Wy 93405_10 EVCM Map
• Marsh St Parking Structure, Upper Level SP AV 881 Marsh St. 93401_3 EVCM Map
Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara County)      
• City of Santa Barbara - Downtown Lot #7 SP AV $ 1115 Anacapa St. 93101_1 996-A3 EVCM Map

    Types of Chargers:
  • LP means Large Paddle Inductive.
  • SP means Small Paddle Inductive.
  • AV means Avcon connector, conductive.
  • TS means Tesla connector, conductive.
  • OC means another kind of conductive charging station or receptacle.
  • $  denotes pay parking.
  • R  denotes restricted parking -- not available at certain times or under certain circumstances.
    Feedback requested:
  • When you visit a site, please note your visit by adding an "I Was There" comment for the site, using the EVChargerMaps system. These comments are important, even if they just record your visit, with no problems or changes to report. To submit your comment, click on the IWT link for the detail entry above.
  • If you find a charging site that is not listed here, or is incompletely listed here, please consider sending us a site description form.
  • If your comment cannot be handled by the EVChargerMaps system, we welcome e-mail to
    feedback at evchargernews dot com.
    Please ensure that the subject of your message contains "EVCN" to help us distinguish it from spam.
  • Please see the Footnotes for explanations of conventions used on these pages.

  • Page generation notes:
    Region File ch-sba-spi.htm generated on
    Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 11:30:28 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.