EV Charger News

Charging Station Site Number 95837_9

Status as of 1/30/2011: In service.

Important! There may be more recent status comments in the "I Was There" reports and comments.
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Sacramento International Airport - Terminal A Garage, Daily, Level 3

Lindbergh Dr. Garage A entrance - Daily
Sacramento - Airport, California 95837

Site ID:  95837_9      Thomas Bros. Maps Page and Grid™:   256-B2

Pay parking.  Details:  $2.00 per hour or part thereof for the first zero to four hours and 59 minutes.
More than 5 hours = $12.00/day

Charging facilities at this site:
  1 - Small paddle
  1 - Avcon
Nominal supply voltage for this site:  208V

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Lat:  38.69033 (N 38°41.420') (N 38°41'25.2")   (WGS 84 datum)
Lon:-121.58710 (W121°35.226') (W121°35'13.6")
(V: Determined by GPS site visit.)

Elevation: 52 feet.

9/16/04: OK.

Across the street from the terminal - no shuttle service.

Driving directions:

Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.

How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
Chargers are near the North elevators, next to handicapped parking. Battery symbol signs point the way.

Nearby charging locations:

Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.

Things to do:
There is an inter-terminal shuttle between terminals A and B, so if you are parked at the wrong terminal, you can still get to your terminal.

Contact information:
Call Standard Parking at (916) 874-0681 from your cell phone or land line or dial 40681 from a white courtesy phone for assistance with dead batteries or locating your vehicle.
For more information about parking at Sacramento International Airport, call (916)874-0670.
When within five miles of the Sacramento International Airport, tune your car radio to 530 AM for up-to-date parking information including rates and which parking lots have available spaces.

4  Raters:
Tom Dowling

Equipment model and serial number info:
ICS200B TR 10-01-013
TAL TCG2000 S0310140, Cable 102

Meter readings::
9/16/04: ICS 0.0

Check out the "I Was There" reports for this site, or leave one of your own, using the EVChargerMaps system. "I Was there" reports are important, even (or perhaps especially) if all is well. Please submit a report whenever you visit a charging station.
You can also use this feature to find nearby charging stations.
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Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:47:23 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.

Revision History:
9/16/04: New record added.

Do you see any discrepancies or have any information for us about this page?
Please add comments, using the EVChargerMaps system. Click here.

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