Latest configuration, three spots, new striping and signage. twd 2/07
Lat: 38.60138 (N 38°36.083') (N 38°36'05.0") (WGS 84 datum) Lon:-121.42883 (W121°25.730') (W121°25'43.8")(V: Determined by GPS site visit.)
9/24/08 Avcon protection fault has been cleared. All OK. twd
9/8/08: Avcon station down with protection fault.
12/28/06: Signage and striping reconfigured. One of the two Avcon charing stations has been removed in the process. Three parking spaces now, all adjacent and in the same row. One facing space in the next row eliminated.
6/24/02: Tom Dowling: All four chargers operational.
2002-01-09: Darell Dickey: The Gen2 inductive charger nearest the shopping center at Arden Fair is out of order. The other one works fine, however. Has been reported, and is being checked by Clean Fuel.
6/03: EVI Avcon problem resolved. Various SPI problems have also been resolved
3/10/02:The North-facing Avcon station was speaking
"System Failure". The other Avcon was working
OK. Reported to EVII, who indicated it would
be repaired soon. Both (SPI) inductive chargers
Driving directions:
The mall is near the Arden Way West exit of Buiness-80, Capital City Freeway
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.
How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
3/10/02: Jasper's has closed, so
is no longer a reference
point. Chargers are
next to valet parking. - TD
There are two pedestal-mount Gen II+ chargers (plus two conductive charging stations) near the front entrance that is at the Sears end of the mall, just to the right of Sears, in the main parking lot in front of the shopping center on Arden Way.
The left-hand charger can be reached from three different parking spaces: the one right in front of the charger, the one to the right, and the one around the back of the charger.
The chargers have good signage (see photo), and are very rarely blocked. The right-hand charger can be reached from the spot in front of it, or the spot behind it, but only the spot in front of this charger is marked "EV Parking Only" at this time.
Nearby charging locations:
Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.
Things to do:
Major mall. Restaurants, Sears, Nordstroms, JC Penney, Macy's. Also a Barnes and Noble book store nearby, with hours Sun 9-10, Mon-Sat 9-11, and comfortable reading chairs. Movie theater here, too.
Contact information:
If you have any trouble with the chargers, or with ICE vehicles blocking them, check with security (at the Macy's end of the mall) or call the management office during business hours (916-920-4809).
5 Raters:
Tom Dowling and many others
Equipment model and serial number info:
lh gen2+ sm5276p0042007a-
rh gen2+ sm5276p0042016a-
Parking spot, by Tom Dowling.
Old signage. Photo by Tom Dowling.
Good enforcement here, normally. See first photo for current signage. twd 4/07.
But there are always exceptions. Check this imposter, pretending to be an EV!
Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:47:38 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.
Revision History:
9/25/08: Changed status to OK.
9/8/08: Changed status to AVC DOWN
7/12/2007: Added "I Was There" report.
4/6/07: Added new photo. Added OC 5-15.
12/28/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
12/28/06: Changed from 2 AVC to 1 AVC. See status.
9/15/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
2/21/2005: Added "I Was There" report.
11/17/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/16/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/3/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/2/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
9/1/03: Minor editiing.
6/7/03: added To Do detail.
6/24/02: twd: visited site, found all chargers operational.
5/5/02: updated per TD iwt 4/8/02
5/2/02: Updated per TDdb.
4/21/02: SPI=2 verified per Magnecharge list dated 02/01/27. SPI since 12/2000.
4/21/02: Imported from EV1 Club db.
Do you see any discrepancies or have any information for us about this page?
Please add comments, using the EVChargerMaps system. Click here.