Lat: 38.52212 (N 38°31.327') (N 38°31'19.6") (WGS 84 datum) Lon:-121.97055 (W121°58.233') (W121°58'14.0")(V: Determined by GPS site visit.)
6/09: Avcon reinstalled, on the back of the SPI charger. One reserved parking space serves both charging stations.
4/08: Avcon has been removed. Working on reinstallation.
8/3/06: Powerr has now been restored to the AVC.
2/2/05: A redeployed SPI charger has been installed here, as part of the CARB/SMUD fleet charger redeployment program.
Avcon charger is not powered at this time. We are attempting to have power restored.
4/04: The SPIs have been removed, per Ed Huestis. Possibly an LPI will be installed here later.
5/08: Circuit breaker for the SPI charger is in a panel on the back wall of the enclosure that is behind the charger. The panel is normally unlocked.
8/3/06: The City no longer has any Ranger EVs or RAV4 EVs, but they do have a GEM NEV. One space should be available.
As you can see from the photo, these are TAL (Toyota Automotive Loom) small-paddle chargers, for the City's new small-paddle inductive RAV4 EVs.
This should be considered a semi-private location. The parking spaces are all marked "City Vehicles Only," and are usually occupied by city vehicles. The City of Winters has said that we can use the site but that we should call first ahead of time to insure that vehicles will be moved to accommodate someone needing a charge.
Driving directions:
From I-505 North or South, take the Winters/SR 128/ Grant Ave. exit West, and turn left on 1st St.
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.
How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
Winters City Hall is actually at 318 1st St. The chargers are across the street, next to the Winters Youth Center, at 311 1st St., between Main and Abbey Streets.
Nearby charging locations:
Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.
Things to do:
Downtown Winters has many restaurants and shops.
Contact information:
6/09: Eric Lucero, DPW Mgr.; John Donlevy, City Manager -- both are additional contacts.
Call Carol Scianna (replaced Jack Kelly) in Public Works at (530) 795-2820, Ext. 115. Normal hours are 0830 - 1730 M-F. (Thanks to Ed Huestis for this information.)
Equipment model and serial number info:
Installed TAL S010424 on 1/31/05. Existing ICS200B is serial number TR 0898057.
by Tom Dowling, 5/2001.
Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:47:58 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.
Revision History:
6/09: Removed restricted parking note. City has agreed to keep one space, in front of both charging stations, clear.
5/8/09: Added restricted parking note.
5/1/08: Changed from OK to AVC DOWN.
8/3/06: Changed status for AVC DOWN to OK, added OC 5-20.
2/3/05: Updated contact information, model and serial numbers
2/2/05: Updated status, changed SPI from 0 to1.
5/2/04: Updated status, changed SPI from 2 to 0.
8/30/03: added comments, details, photo, removed EV1 Club link.
4/21/02: Imported from EV1 Club db.
Do you see any discrepancies or have any information for us about this page?
Please add comments, using the EVChargerMaps system. Click here.