Lat: 38.44750 (N 38°26.850') (N 38°26'51.0") (WGS 84 datum) Lon:-121.82478 (W121°49.487') (W121°49'29.2")(V: Determined by GPS site visit.)
4/30/09: SPI down, cracked paddle. Probably vandalism. Has been down since at least 8/2/08. See comments on evchargermaps page.
8/12/05: Location back in service, per Ed Huestis.
9/1/04: SPI was vandalized again, some time ago.
2/15/04: Avcon has "System failure 02" since at least 1/28/04. Reported to CFCI by Ed Huestis.
8/03: SPI paddle has been repaired. (Had been vandalized.).
Driving directions:
13 mi E of Vacaville, 9.5 mi W of Davis.
From I-80W, exit SR-113 S / Currey Rd, go S 1.5 mi, turn R (W) onto W E St, the L (S) onto N Jefferson St to W C St.
From I-80E, exit CR-124 S/ Pitt School Rd, go S 1.3 mi, L (E) on W F St for 0.9 mi, R (S) onto N Jefferson St to W C St
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.
How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
Right at the entrance to the lot. Each charger can reach two spaces.
Nearby charging locations:
Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.
Things to do:
Restaurants across the railroad tracks, on W A St.. Walk W A St. to cross the tracks --W C St to N Adams St, L on N Adams to W A St, L on W A St across the tracks. Total about 4 blocks. Tower gas station/convenience store nearby, much closer, but has no restroom.
3 Raters:
Ed Huestis, 4/04
Equipment model and serial number info:
ICS200B: TR0801013; TAL: S0210093
by Tom Dowling
by Tom Dowling
by Tom Dowling
Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:47:01 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.
Revision History:
7/12/2007: Added "I Was There" report.
12/28/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
9/15/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
8/12/05: Changed status to OK.
2/21/2005: Added "I Was There" report.
11/17/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/16/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/3/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/1/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
4/28/04: Added IWT. Same problem still open.
2/15/04: Changed to PROB LOC.
11/7/03: Added serial numbers per SMUD list.
10/29/03: Added new map, minor lat/lon correction.
10/3/03: Corrected county to Solano, not Yolo.
8/29/03: Update status
Do you see any discrepancies or have any information for us about this page?
Please add comments, using the EVChargerMaps system. Click here.