EV Charger News

Charging Station Site Number 95618_2

Status as of 1/30/2011: In service.

Important! There may be more recent status comments in the "I Was There" reports and comments.
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UC Davis Extension

1441 Research Park Drive
Davis, California 95618

Site ID:  95618_2      Thomas Bros. Maps Page and Grid™:   376-E2

Restricted parking.  Details:   Information needed.

Charging facilities at this site:
  2 - Small paddle
  1 - Avcon
Nominal supply voltage for this site:  208V

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Lat:  38.53991 (N 38°32.395') (N 38°32'23.7")   (WGS 84 datum)
Lon:-121.73175 (W121°43.905') (W121°43'54.3")
(V: Determined by GPS site visit.)

10/27/03: Gen2+ repaired, now OK.
10/10/03: Gen 2+ giving E1 and E5 errors. Called in. Darell Dikey.
2002-1-19: Darell Dickey: There are now two small-paddle inductive chargers at this location, where there used to be one large-paddle inductive charger. There is still one Avcon conductive charging station, as before.

Posted for 4 hour max parking, and posted to require U.C. Davis parking decal. Not enforced, per Eugen Dunlap.
Previously there was some contention for chargers from U.C. Davis EVs, but no longer as of 1/2004.
GM Magnecharge shows address as 144 Research Drive, not 1441 as shown here. 1441 is correct, per Streets & Trips and local observation.

Driving directions:
Take the Richards Boulevard exit off of I-80 and go south one block to Research Park Drive. Turn right onto Research Park Drive and right again into the parking lot.
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.

How to find the charging station location once you have found the site:
Chargers are located at the opposite end of the entrance to the parking lot.

Nearby charging locations:

Use the EVChargerMaps system to find nearby charging sites, and to leave comments about this site.

Things to do:
IHOP nearby. IHOP hours as of 6/03: Sunday through Wednesday (0600 - 2400) Thursday through Saturday (0600 - 0400)
Wendy's, Jack-in-the-Box, and Chevron Mini-Mart at the corner of Richards Boulevard and Research Park Drive. There is a Holiday Inn Express within a couple of blocks to the east and a 24-hour Safeway Superstore, with several additional restaurants, two blocks further south on Richards Boulevard.

4  Raters:
Darell Dickey

Adopt-a-Charger sponsor info:
Darell Dickey 9/03, 2/04

Equipment model and serial number info:
Gen 2+ SM5276P0115024C; the paddle is 00712 (April /01)

by Darell Dickey

Check out the "I Was There" reports for this site, or leave one of your own, using the EVChargerMaps system. "I Was there" reports are important, even (or perhaps especially) if all is well. Please submit a report whenever you visit a charging station.
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Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:48:03 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.

Revision History:
6/21/09: zip code changed from 95616 to 95618
7/12/2007: Added "I Was There" report.
12/28/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
9/15/2006: Added "I Was There" report.
2/21/2005: Added "I Was There" report.
11/17/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/16/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/3/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
5/1/2004: Added "I Was There" report.
10/27/03: Updated status to OK.
10/15/03: added map.
10/10/03: updated problem status.
10/2/03: Correct spelling error on photo title, added IWT.
6/7/03: adding notes about restrictive signage, IHOP.
5/24/02: 2SPI, 1 TAL and 1 GM, per Tom Dowling and Darrell's note.
5/21/02: 1SPI, not 2SPI, per Magnecharge list.
5/2/02: Updated per TDdb.
4/21/02: Imported from EV1 Club db.
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