EV Charger News

Charging Station Site Number 95616_10

Status as of 1/30/2011: In service.

Important! There may be more recent status comments in the "I Was There" reports and comments.
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Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District

1947 Galileo Court, Suite 103
Davis, California 95616

Site ID:  95616_10      Thomas Bros. Maps Page and Grid™:   376-A2

Charging facilities at this site:
  1 - Avcon

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Lat:  38.54246 (N 38°32.548') (N 38°32'32.9")   (WGS 84 datum)
Lon:-121.72792 (W121°43.675') (W121°43'40.5")
(M: Adjusted to apparent location on MapBlast map.)

Driving directions:
It is effectively directly across Cowell Blvd from the Research Park Drive chargers. See Air District Web site
Go to Google Local for driving directions to/and from any location, and to find points of interest.

Nearby charging locations:

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Check out the "I Was There" reports for this site, or leave one of your own, using the EVChargerMaps system. "I Was there" reports are important, even (or perhaps especially) if all is well. Please submit a report whenever you visit a charging station.
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Generated on Sunday, 1/30/2011, at 10:47 PM PT from evcnall.fp7.

Revision History:
10/29/03: Added new map.
6/8/03: New site per Darell Dickey 4/16/03.
Do you see any discrepancies or have any information for us about this page?
Please add comments, using the EVChargerMaps system. Click here.

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