Thank you for completing the petition process. Its too bad you had to wade through all of that. But the days of the innocent and trusting internet are gone. The petition is the only working process that blocks unwanted automated spam that trashes yahoo discussion groups. ... Please send a message to the group (a POST) introducing yourself, and add your questions or interest in this group. Please know that yahoo groups does not take kindly to bouncing email. If it dumps you off the group, don't take it personnally (that would be like getting angry at a computer). Just resubscribe and state so in the new petition (use the fresh copy sent to you upon subscription). Note: Upon this group's creation many RAV4-EV interested have joined. However some of the members felt issues with a yahoo group did not suit their needs and/or they were more familar with a reflective text email list (similar to the EV1-Club list which is text email based). The members decided to create a text email RAV4 EV list. There is a link to that text email RAV4-EV list in the links area of this rav4_ev group. There are about 160 members on the RAV4_EV group, some of them are also subscribed to the text email list. RAV4 EV members seem to be using the RAV4_EV group features (links, photos, files, etc.), while mostly talking/chatting on the RAV4-EV text email list. This means most of the members POSTs are not archived on the RAV4 EV yahoo group. There is an archive of the rav4-ev list messages but you have to be a member to access them (the same as the EV1-Club List archive which is only available its members). ...